Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What’s in your wallet ???

This week's one-word prompt comes from Deana who linked up in our Meet Your Fellow Trifectans tab (if you haven't done so yet, hop to it) and suggested this gem:

JUGGLE (transitive verb)
3: to handle or deal with usually several things (as obligations) at one time so as to satisfy often competing requirements <juggle the responsibilities of family life and full-time job — Jane S. Gould>

Doing The Juggle
Mercy, Mercy
In Sickness As In Health

In Health


Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle
Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle

I don’t want to drop the ball

Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle

In Sickness

I Have Fallen

Oops, Opps, Opps, Opps, Opps, Opps
Oops, Opps, Opps, Opps, Opps, Opps

And I Can’t Get Up

Oops, Opps, Opps, Opps, Opps, Opps

I Dropped All The Balls

Creditors tell Momma all about it
Mother always liked creditors best


Where did all that money come from
I did not think I had it in my wallet
What’s in your wallet

Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle
Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle
Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle

Until the next time they let me play

Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Juggle